Non-Tuition Expenses

Below are some other non-tuition expenses. As I don’t control these prices, they may change without my knowing.

  1. You will need some good-quality rosin. (The cheap rosin encased in wood and plastic that comes with most student celli will get the bow to make sound in the first place, but they are really unsuitable for the type of playing we’ll be doing!)
  2. Over the course of your musical progress, you will also be asked to purchase other necessary materials, including books, flashcards, and recordings. For a complete list of items you may be asked to purchase for private lessons, see Items to Own.
  3. When your student plays on a recital (whether studio or solo), you will need to procure an accompanist. For books 1–4, I am willing to accompany for whatever price seems fair to you. Last I heard, Jayne Galloway, the studio accompanist, charges $5 to play any book 1–3 piece at a studio recital.
  4. Each year, all students enter the Utah Valley String Festival, which has a $25 fee. You will also need an accompanist for that.
  5. Check the prices of any orchestras or summer music camps you plan to attend. See Orchestra and Camps